
Our team believes that inspiring and igniting a child’s love for learning leads to future academic and life-long success. Our spiraled liberal arts and sciences curriculum is designed to utilize children's curiosity, energy, and ability to take it to the next level. We believe that education must be expertly led by thoughtful, creative, and passionate teachers. Our educators create a learning environment where coming to school is a joyful and rewarding experience, and one that purposely maintains the integrity of each child’s imagination and curiosity. From preschool to senior year, our academic program consists of five sections: the Early Years, the Primary Years, the Bridge Years, the Intermediate Years and the High School Years.


DISCOVERY & FOUNDATION: Preschool and Kindergarten are both taught in self-contained classrooms. Each classroom has an assigned Lead Teacher and a Teaching Fellow. Our teachers facilitate opportunities for children to interact with materials in a thoughtful and intentional manner, encourage them to use their imagination and creativity to ask questions and learn from the world around them. These years begin to lay the foundation for success in school. This success is based not only on the acquisition of foundational concepts but also on adopting scholarly habits and immersion in a culture that values learning above all other endeavors. Our Lead Teachers are native English speakers. All administrative staff and Teaching Fellows are fluent in both English and Czech (more about our preschool program)

Grades 0–3

TEACHING TO LEARN: A content-rich curriculum and hands-on experiences create scenarios for students to acquire knowledge that contributes to their English language fluency. In Grade 0, our students are no longer in a self-contained classroom. Rather, a Subject Expert Teacher (SET) who specializes in one of the  disciplines (Math and Science, English Humanities, Engineering, Fine Arts, Czech Humanities, etc.) teaches the students in a subject classroom. Across all courses, a Lead Teacher (LET) co-teaches with the SET. The Lead Teacher's role is to make sure that students understand the material and that every student is working to the absolute best of their ability. Lead Teacher focuses on pedagogy and travels with the students from class to class as they rotate from subject to subject. Thus, the Lead Teacher takes on the role of both the SET and LET, depending on the course. The synergy of the SET and LET facilitates a relatively rapid transition from instruction in foundational skills and knowledge to independent thinking and active learning in the primary grades. 

Grades 4–5

FROM CONCRETE TO ABSTRACT THINKING: In Grades 4 and 5, our students are taught exclusively by SETs, many of whom have advanced degrees in the field they teach. The model builds on the skills from the Primary Years and allows students to acquire independence and increased responsibility for their education. The Bridge Years also transport students from the foundations to an intermediate program focused on mastering basics for our college-preparatory curriculum. In particular, instruction focuses on attaching abstract thinking to concrete lessons: students transition from comprehension to interpretation, from data collection to analysis, and from mathematical calculation to mathematical reasoning. 

Grades 6–8

KNOWLEDGE AS A TOOL: During these years, our students complete a rigorous schedule of pre-Advanced Placement (AP) courses in all core disciplines, including the three sciences (Biology, Chemistry, and Physics), Economics, and Logic. In these Intermediate Years, our students come to understand knowledge as a tool. The spiraling curriculum allows them to master challenging topics in the sciences by revisiting them each year as their mathematical reasoning skills become more sophisticated. They learn that amassing skills and facts is a step toward the more creative thinking required of the college-level coursework they will tackle in high school.

Grades 9–13

THINKING FOR PROBLEM-SOLVING: The High School curriculum builds on the experiences students have gained in their previous studies. Students continue to deepen their ability of analytical, creative, and independent thinking. They also focus on self–studying and working on their own projects. All of this is necessary to successfully complete their studies and pass the BASIS final and international exams.

To earn a BASIS Diploma, students must meet specific graduation criteria. This includes passing a minimum of six Advanced Placement (AP) Exams. Additionally, they must successfully complete the Cambridge English C1 Advanced Exam.

These standardized assessments hold global recognition and play a crucial role in university admissions worldwide. It is expected that students fulfill these requirements by the conclusion of Grade 12. Furthermore, students have the option to undertake a state-recognized final exam, known as the Maturitní zkouška, which is mandatory for admission to universities in the Czech Republic.

Grade 13 at BASIS Prague is considered the preparatory year for university studies. For those aiming for additional distinctions, such as a BASIS Diploma with Honors, completion of the Senior Project is imperative by the culmination of Grade 13, the Senior Year. Under the guidance of a school counselor and an external professional within their chosen field, students undertake this project. To adequately prepare for the Senior Project, students engage in Capstone Courses, surpassing standard high school curriculum to acquire specialized knowledge pertinent to their desired field. Culminating their Senior Year, students embark on an off-campus internship, where they finalize and showcase their Senior Project.